
  • Determining the critical pressure ratio.
  • Measurement of the reaction or action force of the flowing fluid.
  • Determine nozzle efficiency by thrust.


  • Detect impact force or thrust at nozzle to determine the flow velocity and nozzle efficiency.
  • Measuring reaction force (thrust) of the fluid at the nozzle.
  • Measuring action force of the fluid at the baffle plate.
  • Air intake adaptable according to the experiment layout.
  • Distance between baffle plate and nozzle can be adjusted.
  • Compressed air regulator for adjusting the pressure downstream of the nozzle.
  • Needle valve on the flow meter for adjusting the back pressure.
  • Measuring reaction or action force of the nozzle by deformation of the flexion pipe.
  • 5 nozzles with different contours (4 convergent divergent, 1 convergent) and 1 baffle plate.
  • Instruments: manometer and digital temperature display upstream and downstream of the nozzle, as well as an flowmeter.

The unit allows the students to study the performance of a nozzle as either a kinetic energy or thrust producer and also enables to study the effect of inlet and outlet pressure ratio on the mass flow and pressure distribution in nozzle. Compressed air is supplied to the unit from compressor. Convergent and convergent divergent nozzles are available that can be changed rapidly. These nozzles are designed to operate at different theoretical expansion ratios. The unit Nozzle Performance is fully instrumented to measure pressure, mass flow, temperature, thrust and impact force. The operating conditions can be quickly vaired to produce results over a wide range of pressure ratios.