The IT-5122 is a pneumatic robot equipped with two conveyor belts onboard It consists of a pneumatic robot fixed on base which transfers piece from one feed conveyor to dispatch conveyor The piece to be transfer is detected by an Inductive Proximity sensor on feed conveyor then handled by pneumatic robot and transferred to dispatch conveyor on which when piece depart it is detected by an optical sensor The process cycle can be selected as single cycle or continuous cycle using selector switch The module is assembled on a rigid Bakelite base and it can be easily moved around the laboratory IT-5122 can be fully controlled using a PLC module or an Arduino microprocessor.
- Fundamentals of Electro-pneumatics
- Operating an electro valve
- Operating a set of automated sensors
- Operating a 24 VDC motor
- Operating a pneumatic cylinder
- PLC control, Microprocessor control
Recommended control modules (not included):
Arduino training panel IT-1300A
Programmable Logic Control Trainer (Siemens Based) IT-1200S
Programmable Logic Control Trainer (Siemens Based) IT-1200S-40
Programmable Logic Control Trainer (Fatek Based) IT-FBs-24MA
Programmable Logic Control Trainer (Fatek Based) IT-FBs-40MA
Programmable Logic Control Trainer (Siemens Based) IT-1500S