Materials’ compressive and tensile strengths are examined using a universal testing machine. Its name comes from the fact that it can put materials, parts, and structures through a variety of common tensile and compression tests. The hydraulically operated system or servo ball screw-based system is used with the vertical bench type unit to generate both tensile and compressive forces. For the purpose of recording load and displacement, sensors are offered. This materials tester’s easy form makes it feasible to view testing in detail during each phase, which is rarely possible on industrial testers. However, the tester’s capacity is sufficient to conduct tests with an industrial focus. straightforward use and robust construction.The tester is a vertical, hydraulically-driven ball-screw pillar tester that directly generates both compressive and tensile forces. For coarse adjustment, the lower cross-height member’s can be modified in steps. The experimental set-ups, such as wedge grips for the Tensile, are simple to switch out thanks to cylindrical receptacles on the cross – members.Sensors capture force and displacement, which are then displayed and analysed on a PC(Optional).
Basic system for generating compression and tensile forces for material
testing. Optional Comprehensive accessories enable the following to be
- Bendingtest
- Sheartest
- Deepdrawtest
- Screwtesting
- Universal, hydraulic all y ball screw servo operated trainer for materials testing
- Generating compression and tensile forces
- Test force and travel velocity adjustable
- Generation of test force via gear pump and double acting hydraulic cylinder orservo controlled ball screw system
- Force measurement via full bridge strain gauges with acoustic over load signal, max Over load 150%
- Displacement measurement via linear potentiometer
- Displays for force and displacement with zero and maximum value memory
- Windows based software for data acquisition via USB or Ethernet