This apparatus is used to study some basic principles of statics such as resolution and equilibrium of forces and law and moments of levers. In this apparatus, any object which needs to be attached can be quickly attached to the rails around the edges before the experiment is conducted. Similarly, a wide range of mountings, such as cables, rods, pulleys, torque discs, pivot bearings and the like, can be easily fixed in place and combined. The imprinted line grid and the grid-marked lever rods can also be easily assembled. The line grid also has some marked lengths. This is so that the angles can easily be identified by the users. The versatility of the statics experimental unit helps students to explore their creativity in developing their own experiments. The base element of this apparatus is the panel. The panel is upright and set up in portrait orientation for the users. The panel in held in place on a laboratory bench due to some feet at the bottom of the panel as shown in the diagram. As mentioned above, students can attach different parts to the rails around the edges, depending of the experiment they want to conduct. Besides this, the panel can also perform low friction torque experiments, this is because ball bearings have been integrated into the panel. As a special teaching aid, it is possible to write directly on the panel with erasable markers. Markings, sketches and comments can be added to supplement the experiments. The various elements of the experiment are clearly laid-out. Three optional supplementary sets are available to extend the scope of experimentation of the statics unit, providing additional experiments relating to the inclined plane, friction, pulley blocks and gear wheels. A comprehensive experimental manual will be provided with the apparatus.
- Accumulation and resolution of forces with force parallelogram.
- Equilibrium of forces.
- Law of levers, determination of moments and equilibrium of moments.
- Combined lever systems.
- Deflection and resolution of force by fixed and free pulleys.
- With optional supplementary sets.
- Inclined plane; for friction experiment.
- Pulley blocks.
- Gear wheels..Combined lever systems.
- Experimental setup to demonstrate simple, planar force systems.
- Panel for easy mounting of various experimental components.
- Panel with imprinted 50mm line grid and facility to write on using erasable marker.
- 2 Lever rods with 50mm gird 600mm & 400mm lengths
- Wide range of mountings: cables, rods, pulleys, pivot bearings and the like.
- 2 weight sets.
- Spring balance.