
  • Recording of characteristic pump curves.
  • Determination of pump efficiency.
  • Effect of speed on discharge quantity and head.


  • Demonstration model of a centrifugal pump
  • Set-up on Steel/HDF base plate
  • Transparent tank 15Ltr
  • Measurement of pressure, speed, flow rate
  • Volumetric flow measurement via measuring variable area flow meter

Technical Data

Variable Speed-controlled: 0…2900RPM
Max. Flow Rate: Upto 100L/min
Max. Head: 30m

Measuring ranges
Pressure gauge/sensor -intake side: -1bar to 1bar
Pressure gauge/sensor – delivery side: 0 to 2.5 bar
Speed sensor: 0…9999RPM
Electric Power: 500 – 746W

Software FM-1849-22SW (optional)

The user-friendly DAQ Software NITM is specifically designed in the NITM Lab VIEWTM environment. It provides a comprehensive solution for data acquisition, processing, and reporting on Windows system. The software empowers users to precisely measure and calculate values, aggregate data into a table graphs, and image. Ultimately, it generates a
comprehensive CSV report that includes all measured and calculated data, including graphs.

Scope of Delivery
1 experimental module
1 instruction manual

The centrifugal pump demonstration unit is designed for instructional and experiment of Centrifugal Pump. The unit is set up on a stable base plate and includes a pump, tank, all required fittings and devices for flow rate, pump speed, intake and discharge pressure. The apparatus has the capability to perform the centrifugal pump characteristics based upon variable speed and variable head of the pump.