
  • To observe the action of shear at a cut section in a simply supported beam.
  • To compare the measured and theoretical values of shear.
  • Visual demonstration of shear force at a ‘cut’ in a beam.
  • Creation and use of shear force diagrams.
  • Shear force variation with varying point loads, load positions and load arrangements.
  • Shear force variation with an increasing point load.
  • Variation of shear force for various loading conditions.
  • Examination of various other loading cases and their effect on shear force, including loads traversing the beam


  • To consist of 2 simple supports; a rigid beam cut into two unequal lengths, which permits vertical movement, whilst resisting bending.
  • Electronic force transducer measure direct shear force at the ‘cut’ section.
  • Multiple load positions achievable.
  • Calibrated weights set supplied
  • Load hangers supplied.
  • Comprehensive instruction manual provided.

Shear and bending are the two main forces produced when simply supported beams are loaded. These forces operate within and are difficult to see. By transferring these internal forces from the beam’s inside to its exterior, this experiment allows students to observe the beam deflecting and the shear forces acting. Simply hanging each beam from the construction frame. The hardware for the experiment is only a supported beam with a “cut.” The Frame can fit the beam. A mechanism bridges the cut, which prevents the beam going to collapse and allows it to move in the shear direction only. The force is measured using an electronic load cell that is connected to a digital force display. Students use hangers holding different weight to apply loads at predetermined points. A connection cable is included with the force transducer so that its output can be connected directly to the display unit. There are special load hangers available that slide over the beams. Using the graded scales fastened to the sides of the beams, the load hangers may be placed precisely along each beam’s length. There is a complete set of calibrated, slotted weights provided. A thorough instruction booklet that includes complete instructions on how to assemble and use the apparatus as well as sample findings. All required assembly and working tools are included.