Large energy consumers like industrial plants, processing plants and manufacturing units are required to provide compensation for reactive power used by them. Modern electrical control circuits also generate harmonics in the network. This laboratory addresses the topics like reactive power compensation, reactive power controllers, measurement of electrical energy in three phase networks, cost of power consumed by the customers. These topics are analyzed from the theoretical point of view and also by means of practical examples.
Power Factor Improvement Experiments
- Demonstration of the manual operation on the control of reactive power at various inductive load.
- Demonstration of the automatic operation on the control of reactive power at various inductive loads and at different sensitivities.
Energy Meters and Tariffs Experiments
- Demonstration of the measurement of active energy consumption.
- Demonstration of the measurement of reactive energy consumption.
- Determination of the meters constant.
- Demonstration of the measurement of the maximum demand.
- Demonstration of load cut-off operation.